First of all... our blog completes 2 years today. Yay!!!
We'll try and have a party sometime. Not sure the 3 of us are going to be in the same country at the same time anytime in the near future though. The party's on nonetheless... everybody's invited. Get in touch with one of the other 2 for details.
Other 2: make details up as you speak... should be fun that way... ok FUNNY at least... ok funny TO US at least.
There's also this other deal. Antya had forwarded one of our very old writeups a few days ago. The writeup is one our first few. Even before thinshark. Anyway, I dont think we'll be putting up that writeup here. Just that it was kinda nice in a way to see how much we've changed. We've really come a long way since...
This is more about myself actually. I wrote with a contempt then... even towards the reader. Without really giving a damn what he made of it. I'm not sure i care about it now either, it's probably just that i've mellowed down a bit... a lot...
I guess this has been pointed out by one of our regular readers once or twice as well. The good old bite missing and all that.
Anyway, i agree with the reader. i somehow prefer the old self. There was a joy to writing then... at least something to stand against... and vent. Now it's more like an air of resignation about things i guess... and the posts have gone a little too serious too.
So... to break the news straight away... i'm off... i'm taking a break. There are a couple more things i have to say... to question actually and that would be it for a while. Most probably a long while. Might even be permanent... who knows?
So for now, adios...