Monday, September 11, 2006

What happened of…?

Let me be real nice to myself. I was this completely weird student all along. No I wasn’t even this regular problem kid in class or something. I mean yeah, on retrospect, I was quite a bit of a pain to the lecturers in a way. All those bombs in school and all that… heh heh… But then even that’s usual, what’s real weird is, I used to be very very attentive in some of the classes… generally those conducted by teachers I liked in a way… I mean, entire year… (or semester later on)…
I could be totally focused in one class right through and a real pest in another class during the same year. Just that I probably liked the subject in the first case and not so in the second.

This helped me in a way… there were always this set of teachers who would back me every time I was in trouble, which was quite often courtesy my behavior in the ‘other’ classes.

There (like always) were two sides to this entire deal though. The ‘other’ teachers were like generally waiting to catch me red handed doing just about anything!! And escalate it as high as possible.

Yeah, I forgot to mention. I had this other habit, I would every once in a while pay attention in the ‘other’ classes and start questioning the concepts and test their (teachers’) basics so to say. If you know enough teachers, you’d know who’d come out second best in such arguments. I guess it’s an ego thing with idiots, every time they’re faced with a question they can’t answer; they go along their random irrelevant tangents. If pursued further, it becomes a complete battle of egos. With me definitely not going to lose. If they answer it, I’d say “fine” and go about my existence, if they don’t, they get hammered and laughed at by the entire class. Never understood the entire problem with telling something like “Not sure as of now, I’ll look it up and let you know” (like a very few teachers used to do… really respect them)

Yeah all this had the ‘other’ teachers really waiting for a reason to get at me (and like I said, the reasons came about quite often).

When they did get a chance, trust me, the concepts of mercy, pity, sympathy, forgiveness were not on their list of virtues.

Now that used to generally leave me feeling wronged. The immediate crime would be usually too small as compared to the punishment meted out. That would leave me all in angst and all that. The number of times we’d swear we’re going to give it real bad to some teacher after passing out of school/college...

I mean we felt there’s no holding back once we’re out of the bloody place, we might as well give them a thrashing for all the bloody trouble they caused us because they couldn’t face the fact that they were demented in the first place!!

But all the promises came to nothing. I’ve not beaten the crap out of any lecturer yet!! Whatever became of those promises? Trust me, we meant it when we were ‘swearing on our blood’ and other such shady school stuff. I still remember us guys discussing it during our prep holidays before our 10th std boards.
Still wonder, what happened after that… I mean we weren’t damn busy or something, yeah we went out of town on holidays at different times. But we did hang out in town together for most of the summer vacation.
Why didn’t it occur to us to go about belting them lecturers? We had it all planned when in school… use quilts and all that, so the lecturers don’t get to see us, and absolutely skin them. We (after school) decided it’s not worth the effort and the risk… and the rotten scum got away without even a scratch. I’m sure this happens all over the place and at all times.

All these years down the line, I still feel they should be thrashed for ecological reasons. Remember the concept of the slowest buffaloes in the herd… well nothing about them, just that the get eaten by the hunting animals. Now these teachers I’m talking about definitely belong to that class and should be eliminated. Instead they go about their long irrelevant existences in their cheap comfort zones and get us quicker ones tortured for it.

This isn’t just about teachers. This is about all those real sluggish characters that would’ve been eliminated by nature had not society intervened. They’re everywhere, being a general hindrance. We, as a country, give these morons too much leeway.

I’m not sure if they really care too much about this, but here’s to those brilliant teachers who seem to genuinely try getting some value and reason into an otherwise meaningless and directionless profession.

Thank you… really. And wish you a happy teachers’ day.

As for the rest… Damn, I really hope I meet any of you on the road today… trust me that punch’s going to hurt!! And after all these years, you won’t recognize me heh heh.

I know it’s not worth carrying grudges for so long and all that, also that thrashing these clowns aint worth it, but I got a few promises to keep and if it helps a nation progress and also helps Mother Nature go about doing her thing, then why not?
- Komodo Dragon


At 2:12 PM, Blogger tear said...

hey sweetheart a complete relativiy to wht has been said .... i am thankful for my education for knowledge but indepted to my teachers for learning well, I respect the teachers who support care and enhance but at the same time i hate teachers who r clueless and devoid of any realknowledge Nd with the sole purpose to make life miserable..

PS Miss u sweetheart

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm so much wrath even after passing out of scool/college!!! You r grown up kids now those old fellas wont be able to take the blow.

Nice writeup.

Belated happy teachers day to all the teachers.

Ms Me

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, sometimes u need to do that to learn that you are not being weak by just letting it go.

understand what i mean? :)

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the gist this post from my perspective "nobody taught you the meaning of the words 'humility' and 'modesty'" , i am in total agreement as it seems the teachers in question taught you naught.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger KD said...

Brig. Ashok,
The whole article was meant as a joke sir. I apologize if it hurt sentiments.
I do not possess the wisdom to answer the questions regarding the virtues I picked up in school sir. Everyone has a right to a perspective and thanks for bringing it up sir.

Komodo Dragon.

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expected the Dragon to reply to tear btw.... but im disappointed.


At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KD,looks like u've touched a raw nerve there.

to add fire, i will just say that you dont earn respect just because you are older. you earn it because of who you are, within and how you project it outside. i think we've all had our share of teachers that were downright abusive, including a couple who harassed girls.

and there are a select few who i remember with respect and affection even now. whenever ive met them after i passed out of school, ive always folded my hands and bowed. humility has to come from the heart, not just a dikhava because it is demanded.

At 8:59 AM, Blogger tear said...

i am disapppointed too :-(

At 11:23 AM, Blogger KD said...

hmm a few questions answered... miss you too sweetheart :)

Ms. Me: Thanks, yeah they probably wouldn't, but it's an interesting option right?

Tarini: There was this one lecturer (external) who got away with harassing a girl in our college because nobody wanted to make an issue out of it (for the girl's sake) the bitterness lingers.

Anon: Well? :)

Anyways, I still do hold the good teachers in very high regard... it's just that they're very few in number...


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