Monday, August 28, 2006

Just Pondering...

A few things about astronomy actually. I’d found the subject sort of interesting in school, but then being the stereotype Bangalore kid, I decided that Computer Science was the most interesting thing I’ve ever come across. I suddenly (when about 17) felt she’s like this absolutely interesting subject and that I’m willing to spend the rest of my life in her arms and all that poetic stuff (Pardon my language, I’ve been reading ‘The catcher in the rye’ and listening the RHCP all this while (oh what phenomenal bass guitaring)). Anyways, here I am, all in love with comp-sci and all that. Wow the arranged marriage deal suddenly doesn’t sound quite so alarming (and no, I’ve already formally met a couple of other chicks and am so completely over that tall chick and that funny aunt). Where was I, oh yeah, comp-sci, deal’s I got lucky in that I was decent in algebra and all (heh heh I love that book… The catcher in the rye).

Anyways, back to astronomy, we got to agree we’re not advanced in our study yet. It’s the brilliant scientists that are getting us places, not some mind-boggling instrument or something. Not sure about the moon deal and am fairly convinced that we haven’t gone too far into space as such. So, there is a possibility that there’s another planet that revolves around the sun in the same orbit, direction and in the same speed as Earth. The deal with this planet being it’s diametrically opposite the earth along the orbit. Try picturising this, two planets in the same orbit, opposite each other. Something like one of those atom diagrams we had to study in school, 2 electrons around the nucleus and on the same orbit. Now in this case, we couldn’t see the other planet because the sun’s in the way. No telescope can look past that explosion I assure you. If we’d have to see this planet, we’d have to travel quite a distance in a line perpendicular to the Sun-Earth virtual line. Just making it to the moon is no good; the sun is way too big to be seen around by just going to the moon. We have to go real far. And all this might just lead to us not finding anything anyways, so it’s a huge investment that’s most probably not going to payoff.

Now this planet might have some intelligent characters on it cause none of them have tried to contact us (absolute cheap in that this line was kinda borrowed from one of those Calvin strips). Or they might have. Contacted us I mean. They might have figured out that Americans are the morons the rest of the planet is obsessed on listening to and aping. So they went there in disguise (cheap antennae and all) and went about walking around some drunk farmers. They must’ve even taken a few of them farmers to their crafts and stuck some wires up all sorts of odd places in their (farmers’) anatomy that can’t be described here. Now these farmers go about shouting “abduction, alien-experimentation, Hritik Roshan…” and other such stuff.

Man did the aliens have a laugh checking our news out the next day!!!

The wiring was for the heck of it. Like they really want to know what we think. Did you ever bother finding out what a rabbit thinks? And also, we as a species are fairly ugly, let’s face it. They’s rather study some charming ostritch than study us.
Even we don’t study ourselves. We study rats, pigs, Saurav Ganguly etc.

The dudes in the other planet (let’s call it Earth I (our planet being Earth II)) are definitely more advanced than us. We are still bloody stuck trying to push the Earth backwards in order to move forward. With all due respect to Sir Isaac Newton (thank you for everything sir), we waste a lot of energy in all that push backward to get forward confusion. Haven’t you noticed most of the real quick running animals spend most of the running time in the air (between leaps), and even we (humans) when we try to sprint real fast, spend relatively more time in the air.
The only time we tried pushing forward in order to get forward was when we used the sail ships and even then we had to use the wind to do the pushing and some odd 45deg angles and Bernoulli’s theorem to move against the wind, real shoddy.
Also they ought to be more advanced than us because we have Deve Gowda and they don’t. Nevermind God and all that, but it’d be really disastrous to have 2 Deve Gowdas in the same galaxy and somebody with morals would make sure that didn’t happen.

Anyways, if there’s a check as to who’s more advanced, Earth II comes a clear runner up. Time we did something about it rather than pride ourselves in being the most intelligent species around and go about burning holes in the Ozone to prove it to ourselves. We were better off in the caves, except for Music of course.

Unrelated: Read in this book somewhere that RHCP were initially the “Miraculously Majestic Masters of Mayhem” before they decided RHCP was better. They’re a trippy band nonetheless.
- Komodo Dragon


At 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow..brilliant! you hsould send this to the newspapers or some such :)

i think music started in the caves and by the sound of it, hasnt progressed much beyond in certain cases.

catcher in the rye...all terribly brilliant people are supposed to like it ;) there's only a thin line separating genius and ....

At 12:31 PM, Blogger KD said...

music started in the caves? interesting... there's this track by rush called 2112 (can't remember the album) it's about this guy who finds a guitar in some cave. Happens in the year 2112 (hence the name), good one about priests ruling the place and music being banned...
Catcher in the rye (at the risk of sounding like one of those phony characters Holden can't stand) is brilliant for sure :) it really is...

At 4:05 PM, Blogger tear said...

amazing one indeed... lookslike u guys hav been busy..gr8 to c the updates...was away for a while and had a lot of catchin up to do with the posts gonna be reguler now...keep them coming..The earthI nd earthII was hilarious and so was the part of aliens not tryin to contact us or their hysterical laughter if they go through our news...cheers

At 7:29 PM, Blogger KD said...

thanks tear...

the aliens would be quite amused for sure ;)


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