Monday, April 30, 2007

And after all we’re only ordinary men

Getting straight to the point, It’s the word maturity that’s destroying us.

Anybody comes up with an idea which frighten us and out we pop with phrases like, ‘get mature, grow up’ the unsaid intent being, ‘stay the defensive lump that every other defensive lump wants you to be’.

You all have to agree that we as a country need to change somewhere… and all of us also agree that the change’s got to take place in so many places that we’re not sure anymore.
We also agree that a major change in our attitudes is definitely required.
Yet when Greg Chappel comes along and tries enforcing change to stem the rot that’s set in (as deccan herald would’ve put it in the days of non idiotic sentimental journalism) we all complain.

It’s society that teaches us to get defensive, go with the flow and try to become worthless losers, like say a dad teaching his 5 year old son to like the merc (it’s classy to appreciate class you know). We’re scared of somebody who seems to have a plan, because it reminds us of our sacrifice.

Remember the time when you switched your ideas off for a more conservative approach and called that phase ‘growing up’? You sacrificed everything you stood for and what’s worse, you didn’t even know it. You joined this huge mass that’s hell bent on getting nowhere. You worked real hard to get comfortable in there, and now it’s a half jealousy half fear that forces us to try and hold back somebody who’s trying to get somewhere.

Get out of that hold.

If you already have, thanks… I associate with you…

If maturity is what society defines as, then I’d gladly accept being a kid. There are a few people I’ve known (more so in the circle in pune) who believed growing up included opening up to the world and going after what you’d dreamt of and trying to keep from getting your mind clouded with crap, I really appreciate the whole bunch of them for being the people they are and being so easy about it.

Call me egoistic, but I’m proud of the contempt I have towards society and wouldn’t go out of my way to keep the bunch of losers happy. I’m glad I’ve come across a few who think along those lines, to hell with the rest.


(p.s. our prev post wass our 50th, even we didn't realise that)


At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa mate..even i didnt realize that.. cheers for our 50th post.. u go ahead n drink some exquisite malay wine there....

At 3:33 PM, Blogger The Fite Klub said...

Congratulations guys...on reaching your 50th article...keep it going

At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fully agree!

to mature (in the general sense) means...
to rot away
to stop growing

and society in general supports these so called mature people.

better be a kid than to fall prey to the maturity trap.

and congrats for crossing the 50

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and more...
the blog turned a year old on 21 march..
and the blog with the 3 of us turned a year old somewhere in april (13 i guess)

just in case...

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the other major worry being the comfort zone... that's quite bad as well...

thnx and all

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maturity is relative to the age of my relatives and nothing else....i am what i am

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to have you back ma'am...

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was i missed KD??

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i missed both : the excellant articles by kd/antya/ahak and eager comments by few of readers...

welcome back!

-- tears come tears go, what remains is the swollen eyes!

At 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey anon

I guess the eager comment part was directed towards me or i am just taking the liberty to think so but thx a lot for missing me....errr my comments!!!

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tear: you bet you were... :)
anon: thnx :)

more shortly...

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tear: ya, that was for you :)
kd: waiting for the next one (from either of you!)

-- Bridge On The River Cry

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. for previous post

we netizens know each other by what we post on net. in that sense there is no distinction between missing you or your comments :)

so to say

p.p.s. this was definitely for tear!

-- Bridge On The River Cry

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey anon ur comments bread an air of familiarity or is it just me being illusionary


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